I have other opinions too. On things such as politics, religion and relationships. Not just broad, over-arching opines, but I can get into the nitty gritty subcategories of them. Though you probably would not want me to because they get boring quickly, especially when referencing various articles read or programs heard where many facts were stated. These are the type of opinions I vocalize only to audiences I know very well. Let's face it too, of the people I may "know," I could count on one-maybe two-hands those that I know to a level where I can guage what will or will not offend them. This rather limited group of people has the sheer pleasure of hearing my more controversial opnions, should such an invitation to converse about them ever come up. Maybe I come off being of certain beliefs now and again. In a way, I would hope so to ensure that I have some dimension to myself. The thing is though, I don't know where we arrived at the point where people now think they intimately know upwards of 500 people, better known as their Facebook friends. How did they find the time to get to know everyone so quickly? Also, why do they want to when they aren't getting paid to do so and others are (i.e. professional journalists and elected officials)?
I find it curious, this level of comfort people have to freely vocalize their strict, unwavering opinions. Mostly because the thing is, nothing is always left or always right. A building might be on your left going one way down the street, and on the right for the person in the opposite lane. The building didn't change, and neither of you would be wrong of its position when giving directions from your origin. Most people are not wrong when giving their opinions. I know I am not when I tell Chicago Cubs fans that their team will never win a championship so long as they are still in Wrigely Field. Almost no one's opinion is perfectly right though either, regardless how amplified they may try to make it. At least that is just my opinion.
{Image Credit: The reluctant father}