Friday, January 3, 2014

Let's Kick It

New Year's is the type of holiday that Type-A folks live for.  New Year's Eve, not so much.  Too much fretting over the next morning hangover preventing productivity on a holiday.  Not to mention the number crunching of figuring out the true value of packaged bar deals  It's all just such a nightmare.  Back to New Year's Day though.  That's a holiday neurotics such as myself can get on board with.  Making new to-do lists, consolidating Excel spreadsheets, and taking inventory of life's small details then turning them into actionable items.  This is what the holidays and good cheer are made of.  I've been making resolutions for years now and while many have worked out, of course others have not.  You can't let a few habits that fade away though discourage you from making new lists.   That would be quitting.  So here's to 2014, a year sure to hold a shoebox full of bullet points.
  • Keep up on my correspondance.  The written kind that is.  Like snail mail.
  • Watch the entire existing Downton Abbey series.  Because I'm sick of people telling me they know me better than me.
  • Only use vocabulary I really really like in my everyday rhetoric.
  • Take more pictures, and get better angles.  Perhaps obtuse ones.
  • Get in a water drinking routine.  [One can make a routine out of anything.]
  • Have more dance parties.
  • Always make sure to say "hello."  Because it's hella obnoxious when others' don't.
  • Send the email today, not tomorrow afternoon.
  • Make just as many plans, if not more while being the most flexible of the bunch.  After all, life was meant to be at least somewhat ironic.
{Image Credit: Helmut Newton via This Is Glamorous}

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